Friday, September 8, 2017

"What Happened" Is the Deranged Rantings of a Psychopath, Hillary Clinton, Oven Mitt Fashionista - Lionel

Deranged psychopath Hillary Clinton goes on the lunatic attack in her new ghost-written trash memoir, 'What Happened' by bashing everyone on the planet from Bernie Sanders to former FBI director James Comey, NBC host Matt Lauer, and former Vice President Joe Biden. No one except herself.

Hillary Clinton’s rag, “What Happened,” is supposed to be a memoir about her failed 2016 presidential run, but it appears to read more like an enemies list than a campaign chronicle from the crazed has-been.

While the former secretary of state acknowledges “my mistakes burn me up inside,” according to leaked excerpts of the book, she also doesn’t hold back punches when putting some of the fault for her loss on everyone from political rivals to television morning show hosts, Fox News reports.

Go away!

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, September 9th, 2017.]