The owner of Hardwick Clothing, which happens to be the oldest suit manufacturer in America, announced that he will be ceasing his sponsorship of the NFL over the league’s support of player’s “unpatriotic behavior”.
Hardwick Clothing has until now provided suits for on-air NFL personalities as well as purchasing air-time in the form of commercials. However, Hardwick’s sponsorship and funds have come to an abrupt halt after hundreds of players from different football teams decided to protest American “injustice” in various forms including taking a knee, locking arms or remaining absent from the field during the playing of the National Anthem.
CEO of the payday lending chain Check Into Cash and owner of Hardwick Clothes Allan Jones announced on twitter that “our companies will not condone unpatriotic behavior!”
Using the twitter account of Hardwick Clothes, CEO Allan Jones compared the fabric of his company’s clothing is also the “fabric of our country” and encouraged everyone to stay committed to America’s founding principles under the hashtag #Together.
Jones directed their media company, Tombras Group, to remove all commercials related to Check Into Cash and Hardwick Clothing from NFL timeslots.
“Our companies will not condone unpatriotic behavior!” said Jones, CEO of the payday lending chain Check Into Cash and owner of Hardwick Clothes – America’s oldest suit maker.“For the 29 states we operate in, this isn’t much to them, but it’s a lot to us. The Tombras Group is our ad agency in Knoxville and our national media buyer for both TV and radio (for Check Into Cash) and don’t look for Hardwick on the NFL either.”Jones, a strong supporter of Trump, directed his media buyer, the Tombras Group in Knoxville, to remove any commercials for Check Into Cash, Buy Here Pay here USA, or U.S. Money Stores from airing during NFL games “for the entire season.”
Response to Hardwick Clothing’s tweet and decision to pull sponsorship from the NFL was overwhelmingly positive, with some Twitter users expressing their desire to start purchasing Hardwick products to show their support and appreciation.
Thank you and may God Bless your company.— Winterfire KGB(@CrusaderForce) September 28, 2017
As the NFL’s profits and customer base appears to shrinking rapidly, as indicated by the massive backlash from fans burning their NFL jerseys in anger, companies willing to stand up for American exceptionalism and patriotism seem to be increasing their business.
The recent trend of professional sports players kneeling or making other gestures of protest during the National Anthem will have nothing but negative results for the NFL, their brand and overall profits. Even for those who claim they are simply portraying “unity” by locking arms during the anthem are by extension supporting a protest against President Donald Trump, who enjoyed the support of nearly 63 million voters in the 2016 election.
As you can imagine, those 63 million supporters of Donald Trump, in addition to millions more who simply wish that the NFL would leave politics outside the stadium, will not be happy with their favorite teams taking such a divisive political position. When an organization begins insulting and isolating their customers, in the NFL’s case their fans, those customers will naturally rebel in the form of denying that organization their money and support.
However, as with every organization that succumbs to the pressures of liberalism, the NFL has decided to place politics over their primary purpose of providing enjoyment, fun and recreation to millions of Americans.
Truth Teller's Radio Episode 5 - Go To Hell NFL: