Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Classic Books Now Being Published With ‘Trigger Warnings’ at the Beginning - Outrage mobs are ruining everything.

Published 18 hours ago on 30 April, 2019 Paul Joseph Watson

Classic books are now being published with trigger warnings printed before that first chapter that warn readers the work may offend modern day codes of political correctness.
Text appears before a printing of Immanuel Kant’s book ‘Kant’s Critiques’ that instructs parents to have a conversation with their children before allowing them to read the book.
“This book is a product of its time and does not reflect the same values as it would if it were written today,” states the text, adding, “Parents might wish to discuss with their children how views on race, gender, sexuality, ethnicity and interpersonal relations have changed since this book was written before allowing them to read this classic work.”
“Imagine this warning in every text of the Western Canon and you have a pretty good picture what the library of tomorrow looks like,” commented the Twitter account that posted the image.
Imagine this warning in every text of the Western Canon and you have a pretty good picture what the library of tomorrow looks like.
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What’s even worse is that writers are now being forced by publishers to sign ‘morality clauses’ that state the publisher can drop them if they become the target of social media outrage mobs.
As Lionel Shriver reveals, the terms state that if there is “sustained, widespread public condemnation of the author,” the publisher can pull the plug.
In other words, we are now giving deranged leftists the power to snuff out literature and art before it can even see the light of day if it transgresses their ever evolving rules on what is deemed politically correct.