Thursday, November 29, 2018

Suddenly Corporate Mockingbird Faux Right Media Endorse Dread Conspiracy Theorists Corsi and Stone

9/11 conspiracy theories[edit]

According to Corsi, "A video clip widely circulated on the Internet shows a test that pulverized an F-4 fighter on impact with a hardened target, providing evidence to answer members of the 9/11 Truth movement who question why so little identifiable airplane debris remained after the hijacked American Airlines Boeing 757 hit the Pentagon."[103] Audio and a YouTube video were circulated, especially among those questioning Corsi's credibility of Corsi's January 29, 2008 interview on Alex Jones's radio show.[104][105][106] In the interview Corsi discusses "the findings of Steven Jones, physicist and hero of the 9/11 Truth movement who claims to have evidence that the World Trade Center towers collapsed due to explosives inside the building, not just the planes hitting them, during the attacks".[104] Corsi cites Jones's findings of microscopic forensic evidence that seemingly negates the U.S. government hypothesis that the aircraft's jet fuel-fed heat alone was sufficiently hot to collapse the steel superstructure of the buildings.

Why Roger Stone’s JFK book has to be taken seriously:

Suddenly Corporate Mockingbird Faux Right Media Endorse Dread Conspiracy Theorists Corsi and Stone