Friday, January 25, 2019

DEAL REACHED, SHUTDOWN ENDS: President Trump Announces Budget Deal Until Feb. 15

DEAL REACHED, SHUTDOWN ENDS: President Trump Announces Budget Deal Until Feb. 15

I'll take a real patriot businessman over a career politician any day - long live Donald Trump! 

Quite surprised, and pleased, to see President Trump would put his Country above his pride. Far more than Pelosi and Schumer ever would. I did support the Border but there is more than one means of going about it and that isn't it when we've seen clearly the Democrats do not care about the American People. I'm no longer an Independent.

No one realizes that the democrats voted against 2 bills to actually pay the employees, not the bill over the wall but 2 separate bills REFUSING to pay employees.

Joe Cain
Since 1982 / 10 trillion dollars have been spent on welfare programs for illegal aliens with anchor babies

J. Muller
President Trump did this to help the people that's out of work. Nancy Pelosi couldn't care less.

John James
Trump held strong for the good of the US overall. It's insulting that people trash him because of the shutdown when the Dems multiple times refused to budge. One of the ones fighting was for the cause and the other was for votes. You know which.


Truth Teller's Radio Episode 22: Washington State Whistleblower Law Inspiration, Brenda Hill Skylstad, Tells Her Story + Learn about an Anti-Trump Border Patrol Agent Who Supports the Border Wall: