Monday, August 20, 2018

Video: Tucker Carlson Exposes The Purge Of Conservatives From The Web - Twitter's Jack Admits Liberal Bias, Lies and Claims It Doesn't Affect Their Work - Facebook Claims it "Accidentally" Suppressed and Deleted Material from PragerU Page

Also, why the gay bakery example is not a good comparison:

Video: Tucker Carlson Exposes The Purge Of Conservatives From The Web - Twitter's Jack Admits Liberal Bias, Lies and Claims It Doesn't Affect Their Work - Facebook Claims it "Accidentally" Suppressed and Deleted Material from PragerU Page


Trump Threatens Action Against Censorship on Social Media Platforms - Trump Opposes Corporate Censorship, Gets Criticized by So-Called Left - Tech Alternatives To The Evil Tech Giants - BIG TECH PURGES CONSERVATIVES?!: