Saturday, July 1, 2017


This story is several years old but has new meaning in light of the MSNBC Morning Joe program with Joe Scarborough. Please refer to the article links to read more from this 2001 case that was reported on in 2012 and now resurrected again. THE INTERNET DOES NOT FORGET!

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Ekon Rekon 14 hours ago (edited) 
so Joe Scarborough should talk about the 28 year old female found dead in his office in 2001 and the Dr who performed the autopsy on felony charges related to finding the remains on him in 2012.. very fishy

TV8 hours ago (edited) 
WOW, It's true!!! Back when Joe was a Republican Representative for FL's 1st congressional distric, his 28yr old Intern was found dead in his office.The VERY interesting part is that the death was ruled "natural" not a murder or suicide. Within 3 hrs of her death, Joe and an aid did the rounds on the local news; painting a picture of an ill young women with a "complicated medical history" which included "epilepsy and strokes." However, that appears to be a false narrative. Lori Klausutis was reported to be a healthy 28 yr old woman, with no such medical history, who just happened to drop dead.The Medical Examiner on the case had been a loyal contributor to Joe's race. He also had a SUPER shady record with a suspended medical license for REPORTING FALSE INFORMATION in an AUTOPSY REPORT!!! Ultimately the state of FL revoked his medical license. The creepy part is that the Medical Examiner ended up being arrested...why, you ask?! We'll apparently he had been keeping human body parts in a storage unit 😱 The death happened on July 21, 2001. 

Joan of Arc7 hours ago
TV They also found out later that she died from blunt force trauma to the head.

My name is Lori Klausutis - I was an Intern for Joe Scarborough but I was found dead in his office and nobody remembers.

zephyr_daleth 3 months ago

The autopsy of Lori Klausutis makes no reference to a time of death. That raises new questions about an investigation that started when the 28-year-old woman's body was found in the office of then U.S. Representative Joe Scarborough in summer 2001. Accidental death was the official finding in the Klausutis case, with a cardiac arrhythmia causing her to fall and hit her head on a desk. But the recent discovery of human remains at a storage unit in Pensacola, Florida, casts doubt on that ruling. That's because the storage unit was rented by Dr. Michael Berkland, the man who conducted the Klausutis autopsy 11 years earlier. 

Berkland now faces a felony charge of improper storage of hazardous waste, and the grisly nature of the discovery calls his competence--and perhaps his sanity--into question.

Kalergisplan 3 months ago 
Wow, Thats a crazy story. Unbelievable that he joked about and then it quite obviously gets removed from archives because you can read the many comments about the clip.
evilhillary[S] 3 months ago 

On May 29, 2003, Scarborough appeared on Don Imus's radio show. While complimenting Scarborough on his sense of humor, Imus said, "Don't be afraid to be funny, because you are funny. I asked you why you aren't in Congress. You said that you had sex with the intern, and then you had to kill her." Scarborough laughed and replied, "Yeah, well, what are you gonna do?"


What Really Happened to Lori Klausutis? (Everything Joe Scarborough Does NOT Want Viewers To Know):