Monday, February 18, 2019

SOMEONE HELP VIC MIGNOGNA! This was the WRONG thing to do! #AnimeGate (CAPS)

Never apologise to SJWs.

This minority group attack on mainstream people reminds one of the Bolsheviks taking control of Russia. A small group of extremists are trying to take over, but unlike the situation in Russia a hundred years ago there is nothing these SJWs can promise that will capture the imagination of the masses. They cannot promise freedom, only oppression against those that allegedly disagree with them (heterosexuals, white males, traditional families). The big issue here is that the SJWs think traditional culture is against them. This is not true.

There is opportunity for everyone AND if people mind their own business, then NO ONE CARES what you do in your private life. You cannot force the rest of the population to buy into fringe activities and behaviours. They can tolerate them, but they are not forced take up such behaviours themselves.


WORLD’S MOST WACKADOO COMIC CONVENTION! Florida event threatens to jail “wrong-think" attendees!!  

Must See UPDATE on the Florida convention (Bomb threat).

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, February 19th, 2019.]