Monday, September 10, 2018

REBUTTAL: Jim Carrey’s Socialist INSANE Ramblings! vs Trump Economy - Jim Carrey: Stop Apologizing! We Must Say YES to Socialism!

REBUTTAL: Jim Carrey’s Socialist INSANE Ramblings! vs Trump Economy - Jim Carrey: Stop Apologizing! We Must Say YES to Socialism! + Proof Obama is Wrong to Take Credit for Trump Economy


Donald Trump American Jobs Saved Tracker

This page is dedicated to tracking that number of jobs that Donald Trump has saved, helped create or brought back to America due to his business friendly policies and negotiations...


CNBC: GREAT AGAIN: AUGUST JOBS UP OVER 200,000 - Wage growth high - Obama Admits Trump's GDP Numbers Are Much Bigger

U.S. Jobless Claims Fell to a 49-Year Low Last Week - ‘Employers are aggressively competing to hold onto their existing workers and to find new ones,’ economist says

The economy is clearly doing well: Kathy Ireland - Boat sales jump in US as economy continues to boom - CNBC: Consumer confidence pops in August to highest level since October 2000

MSNBC on Trump Economy: 'Great News for The Country'

US economy posts largest gain in nearly four years - CFRA Research investment strategist Lindsey Bell and Belpointe chief strategist David Nelson on why the U.S. economy is booming.

Ingraham: Trump's trade triumph - US and Mexico Achieve NAFTA Deal: Trudeau Still Holding Out Like a Baby

CNBC: Target CEO Raves About the State of the Economy: This is the Best Consumer Environment 'I've Seen in My Career' - The Steele Dossier Is Fake. This Economic Boom Is Real.

Trump: Longest bull run in the history of the stock market, congratulations America!

Another Record! Thank-You, President Trump - Record 155,965,000 Employed in June

Worker pay rate hits highest level since 2008 - July 31, 2018: President Trump Delivers Remarks on Workforce Development - July 26, 2018: President Trump Participates in a Roundtable Discussion on Workforce Development

Why Trump’s Economic Policies Work — And Why the Growth Is Sustainable

Full Show—Economy Rocks, Trump “Wrecking Ball” to EU Juncker - How Trump’s executive order helps American workers - TRUMP WORKFORCE RE-TRAINING ORDER COULD CREATE 500K NEW JOB OPPORTUNITIES

America’s current GDP growth of 4.1% is setting the pace for the highest annual growth rate in over 13 years.

CNN’s Brooke Baldwin: “President Fulfilling A Major Economic Promise, The U.S. Economy Is Booming” - Economy Roars At Fastest Pace In Years - Economy Firing on All Cylinders

European Union Backs Down On Tariffs, GDP at 4% Growth, Krugman A Sad Man - Trade War Surrender! Trump Brings E.U. to Its Knees - Trump gives remarks on tariffs at Illinois steel plant

PAYCHECK PRESIDENT BIGGER PAYCHECKS FOR ALL AMERICANS - 6 Months of More Jobs, Bigger Paychecks, & Fairer Taxes - JUL 17, 2018 McMorris Rodgers: In a Booming Economy, We Want to Keep that Momentum Going

Trump's aluminum tariffs restore a crucial industry and protect American jobs," industry leaders Jesse Gary and Bob Prusak write in the Washington Examiner - Obama After Trump Imposed Tariffs On China: The U.S. Is Right To Insist On Fair Trade With China

CNBC Panel Praises The "Great" June Jobs Report, Calling It "As Good As It Gets." - Another "Monster Month For Manufacturing." - The Trump Economy: Jobs, Jobs, Jobs

Another Trump economy WIN: Food stamp usage plummets below 40 million as Americans get back to work Trump has been the most consequential president in history when it comes to minority employment - The Stock Market hit 25,000 yesterday - Jobs are at an all time record

Trump’s ‘America First’ Economy Secures 10-Year Employment High for Manufacturing Workers

Illinois Steel Town: Trump’s Tariffs Secure 800 New Jobs for Previously Laid-Off American Workers

WINNING AGAIN: Obama saw WORST PAY GAINS since Great Depression – Trump sees GREATEST PAY GAINS since Great Depression


Disgusting Dems Call Trump Job Growth “Reckless” - Globalists whine about a “trade war”, but the Fed quietly agrees with the President that we have the Trump card.

Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast Friday July 6, 2018 - Trump Economics Works, Democrats Proven Wrong, Ignore the Media Crap! We’re Winning on Immigration! - Rush Limbaugh Best - Trump Was Right All This Time, Shameful Democrats Show

President Trump is Saving US Taxpayers Many Billions of Dollars, How Many Billions???

Trump tariffs drive $500M investment in a new Ohio steel plant - German automakers support eliminating the automobile tariffs between the US and EU.

President Trump's Trade War: Tariffs, Taxes and Propaganda - Rep. Bost on tariffs: Trump did the right thing, he sent a clear message - PROOF: American Steel Workers Support Trump's Tariff Plan - Steel Workers Praise Trump For Saving The Industry - Trump Delivers Again - Steel Plants Reopening In America

Yuuuge birthday present: Economy under POTUS Trump is growing MASSIVELY

Rush Limbaugh Breaks Down the Successful Trump Economic Statistics

Economy Hits 3% Growth for Three Quarters Running (First Time Since 2005) - President Trump Signs #S2155, the "Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act

MAGA Agenda: Trump's Economy Projected To Grow 4% In The Next Quarter

Unemployment Finally Falls Below 4% for First Time in 18 Years - Black, Hispanic unemployment rates hit record lows in April - Economy adds 164K jobs in April, unemployment lowest since 2000 - U.S. Job Growth Rebounds; Unemployment Rate Falls to 3.9%

FACTS ABOUT TAXATION - Ivanka Trump and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin discuss taxes for Tax Day at the Derry OperaHouse

Democrats are misrepresenting tax reform: Sen. Portman - Democrats trying to downplay tax cuts, calling them "crumbs:" Rep. Collins - Trump's tax cuts have helped our employees: Cuban cuisine owner - Will Trump’s tax plan continue to drive the markets?

NFIB: Our Optimism Index reached its 16th consecutive month in the top 5% of 45 years of survey readings – and it was the 1st time in 35 yrs where fewest no. of #smallbiz owners told us that #taxes are their #1 problem. - Small business is exuberant about this tax bill: NFIB CEO - GOP tax bill: How small business will benefit


BET founder Robert Johnson Trump's economy is bringing black workers back into the labor force - BET Founder: Trump’s Economy Is Bringing Back Black Workers

Manufacturing in U.S. Expands at Fastest Pace Since May 2004

Trump’s tax cuts are widely benefiting middle class workers

Larry Elder: Dems giving Trump zero credit on the economy - Black unemployment falls to lowest level on record

Pittsburgh Steel Workers Back To Work, Economy Booming!

70 Record Closes for the Dow! - Dow has milestone year in 2017

DOW S&P 500 and NASDAQ Close at Record Highs - Manufacturing Optimism Rose to Another All-Time High in the Latest @ShopFloorNAM Outlook Survey

The Trump effect: U.S. Economy Reaches Its Potential Output for First Time in Decade

Dow Hits 24,000 as Growth Continues, also Trump Tax Plan Passes Senate

Dow Jones Index Passes 23,000 Milestone

President Trump Signs the National Manufacturing Day Proclamation 10/6/17 - Trump: Stock Market hits an ALL-TIME high! Unemployment lowest in 16 years! Business and manufacturing enthusiasm at highest level in decades!

S&P ekes out record high - Dow, S&P 500 hit record highs

MSM REPORT: ECONOMY MAY BE GROWING ABOVE 4 PERCENT - Stock Market up 5 months in a row!

We Did It! America Created 1 Million Jobs in Trump’s First Six Months

CNBC’s Squawk Box Panel: Jobs Report Is “ Pretty Solid,” Huge Growth Of Discretionary Income Jobs - Employee Bridge President Joanie Courtney On Jobs Report: Manufacturing Number “Is Outstanding” - Fox’s Adam Shapiro Discusses New Jobs Report: Unemployment Is Tied For Lowest In 16 Years

U.S. stocks close at all time high as Federal Reserve holds rates - @realDonaldTrump - Highest Stock Market EVER, best eonomic numbers in years, unemployment lowest in 17 years, wages raising, border secure, S.C.: No WH chaos! - There Have Been 25 Record Stock Market Highs Since Trump’s Election

Trump Announces Foxconn to Bring Thousands of Jobs to Wisconsin


TRUMP 'MADE IN AMERICA' WEEKLY ADDRESS - President Trump Participates in a Made in America Product Showcase - Trump launching ‘Made in America' campaign - Trump Products Manufactured Internationally? - Laura Ingraham Show 7/17/17 Trump Kicks off 'Made in America' Week


Dow Hits Record Close - Trump: Stock market hits another high with spirit and enthusiasm so positive. Jobs outlook looking very good!


TRUMP NATION Black unemployment drops to lowest level since 2000!

Paying Attention To what is Real - Trump Today WOW! - President Trump Participates in an American Technology Council Roundtable

JUST IN: TRUMP SIGNS NEW EXEC ORDER THAT'S UNLIKE ANYTHING HE'S DONE BEFORE - President Donald Trump acted Thursday to demolish a bureaucratic infrastructure that he said needed to be removed to allow America’s companies to create apprenticeships that will provide jobs for millions.

REBUTTAL: 5 John Oliver Coal Fallacies - Coal Gives US Civilization, Arby’s Gives Us Gas - Coal mine celebrated by Trump opens in Pennsylvania

CNN’s Christine Romans On Jobless Rate: This Is A” 16-Year Low, The Lowest Jobless Rate Since 2001”

Aussie Business Leader to Invest $2 Billion in US Thanks to Trump: “Because of His Great Leadership” (VIDEO) - Australian business leader Anthony Pratt of Pratt Industries announced last week he would invest $2 billion to create 5,000 high paying jobs in the United States.

April Jobs Up 211,000, Unemployment 4.4% | CNBC - TRUMP EFFECT: Unemployment rate 10 year low. Illegal Immigration down by 70%

Watch Trump sign orders inside the factory - The executive orders he signed Saturday were designed to keep jobs and wealth in America.

PRESIDENT TRUMP SIGNS THE BUY AMERICAN, HIRE AMERICAN EXECUTIVE ORDER! - Globalist Freak Out: New Trump EO To Favor American Workers, Businesses

Trump Adds Jobs While Dems Complain

Trump's First Full Month in Office Sees Biggest Jobs Gain 'In Years': Report

Trump's first full month brings massive employment boom - RUSH: Obama 'More Than Being IRKED' By Trump's First Month Job Numbers

You’re hired! Trump scores U.S. HUGE jobs deal


The Truth about the Jobs Obama Created

Ford to scrap Mexico plant, invest in Michigan; CEO cites Trump policies

Socialism VS Democratic Socialism | Why Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Just Doesn't Get It - VIDEO: DO ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ SUPPORTERS UNDERSTAND SOCIALISM?

Socialism VS Democratic Socialism | Why Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Just Doesn't Get It


“I don’t know where the money would come from, but they can figure it out.”

Last month, 28 year-old Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez shocked the world by defeating incumbent Rep. Joe Crowley to earn the Democratic nomination in New York’s 14th Congressional District.
Ocasio-Cortez gained notoriety nationwide not just for her youth, but for her unabashed embrace of Democratic Socialism.
In her official platform, Ocasio-Cortez offers support for free college, “housing as a human right”,  “medicare for all,” and a mandatory minimum living wage.
Wanting to know if her supporters liked the idea of Democratic Socialism, and if they’d support the government offering these services for free, I headed to Ocasio-Cortez’s district, in Astoria, NY.
People on the street were quick to offer support for Ocasio-Cortez’s brand of socialism, and overwhelmingly supported her vision for the district.
They were more hesitant, however, to offer ideas for how to pay for all of the free things that Ocasio-Cortez is promising.
“I don’t know where the money would come from, but they can figure it out,” one person stated confidently.
“Oh, God… Us, I guess,” conceded another.
One supporter seemed to think Americans would be okay with paying higher taxes, saying “with a good idea, and a good reason to spend their tax money, people wouldn’t actually mind paying more taxes.”
Another admitted that they’re not quite sure what it is that they like about Ocasio-Cortez’s economic philosophy, but insisted that “I just know that democratic socialist is better than conservative.”
What would these people think when asked how socialism is working in Venezuela? Watch the full videoto find out!
