Monday, September 10, 2018

Taxpayers Jaws Hit the FLOOR When They Get the Bill for Kamala Harris’ Armed Security


Anti-gun Senator Kamala Harris is a hypocrite.
It turns out that Harris is using an unprecedented amount of taxpayer dollars to pay for her “armed security” detail.
This is just further proof, that smug elites like Harris, believe they deserve protection, but you don’t.
An examination of expense reports reveal gun control Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) received taxpayer-funded armed protection from the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) in 2017 and 2018 at events throughout the state.
NBC 4 reports that the protection was “unprecedented” in that it went beyond the security which the LAPD usually provides “for dignitaries and officials visiting LA.” Taxes from residents of Los Angeles funded armed security personnel to protect Harris not only in LA but in other cities throughout the state as well.
Taxpayers even paid for armed security to go with Harris to a party.
The protection lasted January 2017 through July 2018 and Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti (D) says he was not aware it was occurring.
Garcetti indicated former LAPD Chief Charles Beck put the special protection into place. LAPD spokesman Josh Rubenstein said, “Chief of Police Charlie Beck assigned a security detail for US Senator Kamala Harris shortly before she was sworn into office in 2017, based on a threat assessment he believed to be credible. Funding for the detail was provided by the Department budget.”
On November 22, 2015, Breitbart News reported that California Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom spent millions of taxpayer dollars to surround himself with armed security while Mayor of San Francisco.
NBC Bay Area reported Newsom’s security spending while Mayor of San Francisco as follows:
How much does it cost to protect the mayor of a major metropolitan city? In Los Angeles, about $450,000 a year. In Houston, about $339,00 a year. In San Francisco, anywhere between $1 and $72 million.
[On July 7, 2009] SF Appeal revealed…the budget for Newsom’s personal police bodyguards comes out of the San Francisco Police Department’s Investigations Detail, which boasts a $72.9 million budget.
Newsom, like Sen. Harris, pushes restriction after restriction on average citizens ability to exercise their personal right to keep and bear arms.


Gun Control is a Snake Oil "Cure" for a Nonexistent Crisis

If I argued for destroying the right to privacy because a few people misuse private chat features to sell drugs or whatever, you'd think I was nuts, right? And gun control won't do anything anyways. The UK has plenty of it and they now need metal detectors in schools and are melting down as a society.

Editor's Note: Metal detectors is a great idea, as is armed guards and trained civilians, and as Styx points out, better mental health treatment, teachers, and parents, would be just grand as well.

Gun Control is a Snake Oil "Cure" for a Nonexistent Crisis


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