Friday, August 3, 2018

QAnon is Fake, QAnon Boomers will be used against us, No more Conspiracy Larping

Editor's Note: Frank is an alt-right supporter and isn't racist, but he defiantly is an ageist. :)

If you wan't them to stop then things like this, and there are more, will need to be debunked. 4Chan poster, QAnon, seems to have predicted +++ in Trump tweet:
OR, and you don't have to agree with this perspective to use it to stop the Q stuff, which is, that Q was real but has been compromised. It could be argued hypothetically, IF Q was real, the source has been compromised because... David Seaman: Donald Trump Proves #QAnon Wrong by Going After Jeff Sessions: BREAKING: #QAnon LIKELY 4CHAN USERS IN LIVE ACTION ROLE PLAY REPORTS WIKILEAKS: QAnon Compromised: Intel Source Hijacked By The Deep State's Disinformation Campaign - QAnon Attacks Infowars / President Trump’s Developing Plan To Fire Mueller, Rosenstein, and Sessions: David Seaman & Titus Frost Discuss the #QAnon Psyop - David Seaman Exposes #QAnon on Infowars: David Seaman: The Unmasking of #QAnon - David Seaman: The #QAnon Cult - David Seaman: #QAnon is Wrong About Jeff Sessions: David Seaman Attacks #QAnon for Going after Alex Jones - Warning! Q Anon Crew Malicious Malware Application & Ponzy Scheme Exposed:

QAnon is Fake, QAnon Boomers will be used against us, No more Conspiracy Larping