Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Conversation with Suicide Hijacker Richard Russell: Rich: Hey do you think if I land this successfully Alaska will give me a job as a pilot? Air traffic control: You know, I think they would give you a job doing anything if you could pull this off. Rich: Yeah right! Nah, I'm a white guy...

PowerTuber 3.0 
Zyklon B was only used to kill typhus-infected lice... ironically the Nazis were trying to save lives.

Editor's Note: Did you know that type of thinking above can get you arrested in many countriesThoughtcrime.

Christian Ada
That man who drove the plane was also saying how Our Country is racist against White People.

He's not wrong

But I've noticed how the news media covers that up

Explicit Tech
"Nah I'm a white guy"

Another disenfranchised white guy.

Did Seattle baggage handler learn how to fly and do aerial stunts in a SIMULATOR? Expert gives his opinion on mystifying suicide of 29-year-old hijacker as devastated parents express their shock

  • Richard Russell, 29, was identified as the airport worker who hijacked an Alaska Airlines plane on Friday
  • His family said Saturday they were 'stunned and heartbroken' at death of 'faithful husband and good friend'
  • Stole Horizon Air Q400 and did loop-the-loops while being pursued by two US Air Force F-15 fighter jets
  • Plunged into a heavily wooded area on the sparsely-populated Ketron Island and was engulfed by flames
  • Russell's main role at the airport was to unload bags, and he had security clearance to be near aircraft
  • However, he did not have pilot's licence so unclear how he managed to operate such a complex airplane
  • Former Horizon Airlines employee suggested he could have picked up his skills on a flight simulator
  • And investigator said it was 'conceivable' a ground service agent could start the airplane without a key  