Sunday, April 1, 2018

New York Times op-ed calls 'Roseanne' revival dangerous - ROSEANNE BARR AND LAURA INGRAHAM BATTLE LIBERAL ELITES


The move to get Laura off the air is reaching hysteria proportions

Well that didn’t take long.
My prediction was made in this space on October 28, 2017. The headline: “Laura Ingraham: New Fox Star, New Left-Wing Target.”
In which I said the following of the Fox announcement that Laura Ingraham- she the radio talker, ex-Reagan staffer, Justice Clarence Thomas Supreme Court clerk and all-around conservative superstar – would be hosting a new Fox opinion show at 10 pm weekdays. I wrote:
“This is the strategy of the Left. Since they can’t make the arguments for their side, the answer is to take out the stars of conservative media. Ruin their careers. If possible destroy their lives. Beck and Dobbs and Rush yesterday, Hannity or Tucker today. And now that Laura arrives on the scene with her own prime time show following on the heels of Sean Hannity’s? Start sharpening the knives.

See how much @therealroseanne has pissed off the establishment just for daring to portray a Trump supporter as not a complete monster? Just watch, they'll throw absolutely everything at her now. These people are relentlessly vicious.

….The last thing the leftist media wants to see is yet another conservative superstar with an hour of Fox time cutting Big Government down to size with support for the hated Trump and his populist craziness.
….But the ultimate, ultimate insult, of course, is that the star of the Ingraham Angle is…a woman. Worse still, this is a woman who never hesitates to wear a piece of jewelry around her neck that is — oh nooooooo! — a Christian cross! Worse, she’s — she’s — Catholic!!!! This, of course, summons the worst of Leftist media demons. Women (like minorities) are supposed to be liberal.
There is everything in her background to drive the left nuts.”
And so it did. Here we are a little over a mere five months later and…..this headline from The New York Times: “Advertisers Drop Laura Ingraham After She Taunts Parkland Survivor David Hogg.”
That story begins:
“Laura Ingraham, a Fox News host, apologized under pressure on Thursday for taunting a survivor of the school shooting in Parkland, Fla., as at least seven companies confirmed they would pull advertising from her show.
The dispute began Wednesday when Ms. Ingraham shared an article about the student, David Hogg, 17, getting rejected from colleges and accused him of whining about it.”
And of course, as was inevitable, the move to get Laura off the air is reaching hysteria proportions. David Hogg, the teen who wants to be listened to as an adult is spearheading the drive to take her sponsors away and silence her. And like clockwork, some of her sponsors are lining up to join the bullying of a woman.

Roseanne Is a Patriot and Truth Warrior Who Speaks for You and Me and Deserves Your Support:

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