Monday, April 23, 2018

Kanye West Loves Candace Owens' Conservative Thinking - Tom Arnold flips out on conservative commentator Candace Owens

Roseanne Barr's ex-husband, actor Tom Arnold, deleted a tweet in a disparaging tirade against conservative commentator Candace Owens after she was praised by superstar hip-hop artist Kanye West. Arnold called Owens a “phony” and a “fraud” and used profane language while responding to one of Owens’ tweets.

2dogarage 1 hour ago
Avowed (former?) leftist Candace Owens has done an amazing "flip" after trying to promote her "anti-bullying" website that promised to dox anyone accused of bullying INCLUDING children... apparently she has found her path to fame as a conservative, let's hope she's sincere but I've never seen anyone change their spots so quickly and so dramatically.

Kanye West Loves Candace Owens' Conservative Thinking - Kanye West to the Rescue! - Tom Arnold flips out on conservative commentator Candace Owens


The Truth About Kanye - Twitter and the MSM Both Hyperventilate over Candace Owens and Politics - #NewQ #CandaceOwens & #KanyeWest #MOABs #CHAI #BigPharma Furious with #WJC #Maggie Front and Center:

The Red Pill Black Saga: