Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Mainstream Media Ignorant or Deliberately Omitting the Truth about Hillary Clinton's Criminality: A Letter to ABC News Radio Australia

At the end of a News Radio story (at or about 10:45am on 10/4/18, that covered the recent Mueller raid on Trump's attorney, I heard the announcer sarcastically make the question "Hillary Clinton's Crimes?", echoing Mr Trump, where the announcer implied Mrs Clinton had done nothing wrong.

How could the announcer make such a grossly misleading comment? Was this person completely  ignorant of Hillary Clinton's MANY CRIMES or was this announcer being dishonest about the reality of the situation and the truth of Trump's words? The ABC is supposed to be filled with well-informed journalists. You make a big deal about having fact checkers and yet this announcer grossly mislead his audience on this most basic point. Is this an example of the classic ABC mainstream media bias (leftist, pro-establishment) that many in the independent press, and those on the right side of politics, complain about?

In light of the fact that Hillary Clinton is (provably) an unindicted criminal, and that Trump's comment about double standards, in terms of the FBI probe, is accurate, I DEMAND, in the interests of fairness and balance, that the ABC run a story covering Madame Clinton's crimes.

To shirk such a responsibility would violate the ABC Code of Practice. The fact that you have not aired stories that demonstrate the truth of Trump's observations when it comes to this matter shows the ABC is either incompetent or corrupt (aiding and abetting the cover-up of Clinton's multiple misdeeds).

Do you not understand that Mrs Clinton criminally mishandled classified emails that would have sent ordinary people to jail for many years, that the Clinton Foundation shows clear signs that it was a corrupt pay-to-play organisation, and that she lied about her emails and took action to cover-up these crimes? Furthermore we have her dishonesty about the reasons given to launch the war on Libya in which many people were subsequently killed (revealed in her own emails).

You need to check out the work of HA Goodman, who used to write for the Huffington Post (200 published articles), where he outlines Clinton's obvious crimes and the unjust nature of the Mueller fishing expedition into Trump's private dealings (with Mueller going far outside simply trying to prove non-existent Trump-Russia connections).

Here is a video that specifically deals with this very issue, in an ACCURATE manner:


This second clip, particularly the second half, focuses more on the details of Clinton's crimes (must see):


I highly recommend staff at the ABC take a good look at the evidence and arguments being presented by HA Goodman. He states that until the US Democrat party can deal with this hardcore corruption (that cheated Bernie Sanders out of the nomination) no real headway will be made in terms of overcoming Trump.

Whether or not one approves of Trump's behaviour or his policies, the lack of fair and balanced reporting from the ABC, when it comes to this issue, is disgraceful.

Fix your coverage and properly inform the public.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, April 11th, 2018.]