Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Chauhan or @shreec on Twitter Accosted The Press Secretary In Public - ‘It’s a free country’: Sean Spicer shrugs off viral Apple Store confrontation

‘It’s a free country’: Sean Spicer shrugs off viral Apple Store confrontation


this is insane
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    • She ambushed Spicer, then claims she felt threatened by him? Hmmm, me thinks this woman is not straight in the head...
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    • I strongly oppose this administration's behavior. However, I also disagree with this type of treatment of a public servent who is just trying to do his job and is not a politician. It just continues the spiral of incivility.
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    • Just another spoiled leftist brat seeking her 15 minutes of fame and a public opportunity to earn her merit badge for pointless confrontation - each of which the MSM, no surprise, is more than happy to award her. What about this pathetic, self-indulgent episode even remotely qualifies as "news"?
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    • Non stop negative stories about republicans and zero negatives about democrats. Keep it up and ignore the turmoil and collapse of the democrat party MSM. Your demise is coming like a freight train straight at you and you are tone deaf to the rumble.
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    • She should go to India and ask such questions and see where that gets her. But NO, she's an American citizen and hides behind the 1st Amendment that she would prefer that Sean Spicer did not exercise. Typical liberal.
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    • if she's so scared here, try going back to her own country where rape is the number one crime, and see how safe she feels there. Whether you support or protest the government, having a screaming fit in an Apple store just makes you look like an idiot
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    • She was a vile disgusting person and is an example of the unhinged left who complain about everything and are the biggest sore losers on the face of the earth! I love it!!!