These results can’t be attributed to online “trolls” either, since one would assume that the vast majority of Harwood’s followers are liberal leaning at the very least. This reporter should realize that in the 10 years Wikileaks has been active, they have never been proven wrong or incorrect.
Perhaps liberal journalists are still living in their own little world, unaware of the true feelings of average Americans, as one reporter found out after posting a Twitter poll to see who the population believed the most regarding the hacking of the DNC/Podesta emails.
On one hand the mainstream media is towing the government and CIA’s claims that Russian hackers are behind it all, operating under the direct orders of Vladimir Putin himself. They believe that not only did the Russians tamper with the election, but they did so with the sole purpose of helping Donald Trump get elected. If true, opponents of Trump could use this scenario to diminish his legitimacy and forever question his intentions by branding him a “Russian agent”.
However, the reality is that the intelligence community has little facts in this case and much of their conclusions were found to be assumptions based on circumstantial evidence.
So the results should come as no surprise to liberal CNBC reporter John Harwood when he posted a poll on Twitter to see who the American people trusted more that they overwhelmingly chose Wikileaks.

These results can’t be attributed to online “trolls” either, since one would assume that the vast majority of Harwood’s followers are liberal leaning at the very least. This reporter should realize that in the 10 years Wikileaks has been active, they have never been proven wrong or incorrect.
This is yet another example of the media’s disconnect from the pulse of the American people, as they placed all their eggs into Hillary’s Clinton’s basket during the election and only succeeded in losing what little credibility they still had.