Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Meryl Streep Gives a Wack And Pretentious Anti Donald Trump Speech At the Golden Globes (REACTION)

At the Golden Globes Awards on Sunday, January 8th, 2017 Meryl Streep gave a speech about Donald Trump. It was, of course, a negative speech. She cried. She spoke about the incident where he allegedly mocked a disabled reporter, how he is basically against anyone who is “foreign” among other things. The speech lasted for about 6 minutes. Towards the end, she appears to cry. Others in the audience, including actress Kerry Washington, appeared to tear up as well. Others, like Mel Gibson, looked perplexed and kind of confused. It was a strange moment - outside of the context of Hollywood being a strange place in general.

The speech was divisive. It was basically painting Trump and the 60 million+ people who voted for him as incompetent. Not able to make our own minds up and caught in a bubble of hatred. And anyone on the other “side” as perfect. And of course, each side disagrees with the other. 

Celebrities who spoke out against Trump with these fake and pretentious speeches during the campaign haven’t really stopped as of late. Since their speeches did not work during the campaign a person must ask why do they continue? Maybe a person like Meryl Streep is on payroll and she is simply fulfilling her obligations. It’s difficult to tell. Whatever the reason is, her methods are not working out well.

Trump won the election regardless of all the fake news levied against him by the mainstream media and celebrity “intelligentsia” looking down upon the common American peon from their Ivory Tower in the sky surrounded by a walled garden. It’s only a matter of time before the individuals trying to delay the inevitable Trump presidency will acquiesce to what’s happening. Acceptance is the last stage of grief. Hopefully the triggered liberals across the nation are fast approaching that stage, for their own mental health’s sake.