Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Common Sense Black Guy “Big Joe” Wrecks SJWs at Los Angeles Women’s March (REACTION) #BigJoe

A common sense kind of guy named Big Joe, who also happens to be black, was captured on camera wrecking some social justice warriors in the middle of a women’s march in Los Angeles after the inauguration of Donald Trump took place. As he said as a response to a question from the interviewer from #BasedInLA, he was not part of the march, but just happened to be passing through on his bicycle. He immediately expressed his confusion with the march when Jeffrey, the interviewer, began to ask him a few questions about the event. It was the perfect chance encounter. Big Joe dropped line after line of gold.

SJWs (social justice warriors) tried to over-talk and wrong-talk Joe throughout much of the video, but Joe wasn’t having it. The first person up was a very whiny, but attractive black woman with dreadlocks. She didn’t have much in the way of an argument outside of screeching at Joe and accusing him of being a liar. Joe brought up Margaret Sanger, the racist founder of Planned Parenthood and her plan to exterminate the black population. The black female SJW was not amused nor swayed. Other people came up, other people fell like dominoes. 

Big Joe went from revealing the true history of Planned Parenthood to the actual endgame of subversive, anti-American marches like the one that was happening at the place and time of him speaking. Which, of course, is to slowly whittle away at the last few civil rights that Americans have, then install a true dictatorship where nobody has any rights. Anarchy and chaos leads to true totalitarianism and dictatorship. Joe spoke about socialists with deep pockets that infiltrate groups like the ones behind the Women’s Marches across the nation who prey upon emotion and low information to further their own sinister goals. 

Towards the end of the clip, everyone was pretty much staring up at Big Joe in silence listening to him like a preacher on a mountaintop. A truly great moment in SJW wrecking history.