Saturday, May 21, 2016

NAFTA And GATT Is A Great Coup Over America

It is common knowledge Hillary Clinton takes millions from Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, Time Warner, JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley and other financial class and corporate interests—in addition to the money sucked up by the Clinton Foundation—but despite this public knowledge, Clinton hits the campaign trial declaring “If I become your president, I will be your champion in the White House—and you will have a seat at the table.” Of course, she made this “promise” to union workers controlled by corporate unions little different than the corporations they supposedly oppose. Few buy such empty rhetoric beyond easily fooled Democrats and the Communist Party USA. For some inexplicable reason, a large number of working class Democrats have completely forgotten that Hillary’s husband sold them down the river when he negotiated and signed NAFTA.

“Since Nixon, income, wealth, and privilege have continued to shift toward the elite no matter which party has been in power. The magnitude of this shift has few parallels in American history. Since 1980, net worth for the bottom 60 percent of households has fallen by nearly $10 trillion, while the richest 10 percent have seen their wealth increase by almost $30 trillion,” writes Jon Wisman, Professor of Economics at American University in Washington, DC. “The result of the political system being hijacked by the economic elite has been near unanimous support for pro-wealthy, pro-business policies, like TPP. As the rich use these policies to become richer and more politically powerful, our democracy is being replaced by plutocracy.”

So corrupt is the system and so pervasive the infection of bankster and corporate interest, state run and managed elections are incapable of preventing the rot and stopping the slide into a full-blown “public-private” (a euphemism for corporatism or fascism) police state.
