Thursday, May 5, 2016

Immigration Chaos Surging Over U.S. Border

As the flood of illegals surges, President Obama is going for broke, literally. CNS news reports that since the budget deal was signed in November of 2015. In just 6 months Obama has added another trillion to our national debt. Bringing it to a monstrous 19 trillion. While more taxpayer money is thrown at the Immigrations and Customs Enforcement deportation budget, deportations themselves have decreased by nearly 43 percent. Breitbart reports, according to a recent chart from the Senate Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest "ICE removed nearly 43 percent fewer total aliens from the United States in FY 2015 than it did in FY 2012 – and nearly 62 percent fewer aliens from the interior of the United States,”Ironically, as the number of deportations the Obama administration carried out tumbled, its budget for removals and detention continued to grow — from $2,750,843,000 in FY2012 to $3,431,444,000 in FY2015."

But the most alarming statistic from Breitbart’s report is that "ICE removed 235,390 criminal aliens from the United States in FY 2012, as compared with 139,368 in FY 2015 – meaning that it deported nearly 41 percent fewer criminal aliens last year with 25 percent more resources than it had in FY 2012”. As illegal immigrant crimes in the U.S go largely unreported, even mentioning the unwarranted murders of American Citizens by illegal immigrants is deemed racist by new world order brainwashed dupes.

If you think the rapes by ungrateful Islamic hordes is only occurring in Europe. Think again. FOX News reports "Four illegal aliens from Guatemala are charged in the rape of a Massachusetts woman and the vicious beating of her boyfriend, and one of the suspects was arrested less than a month before the attack.The quartet has been saddled with a slew of charges: Elmer is charged with rape, kidnapping, threatening to commit a crime and assault with a dangerous weapon; Ariel is charged with unarmed robbery, assault and battery with a dangerous weapon, indecent assault and battery, kidnapping and witness intimidation; Adan and Jarquin-Felipe were charged with indecent assault and battery and kidnapping. All four have pleaded not guilty."

Its been two years since Fusion reported that "A staggering 80 percent of Central American girls and women crossing Mexico en route to the United States are raped along the way”. Meanwhile Panama announced that they are transferring 3,000 U.S. bound Cuban migrants to Mexico as Cuban migration spikes. And immigrant families crossing the border is 40 percent higher than the previous record in 2014.

When the history books are written. The flood of a great unknown and unchecked exodus of chaos in the face of all reason, civility and legality concerning the enforcement of immigration laws that have dictated the policy for immigration for centuries will go down as one of the most reckless acts instigated by a U.S. President in modern history.
