Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Debunking Fake News Lies about Birthright Citizenship Being Constitutional, Opposition to It Being Racist, and Trump's Kids Being Anchor Babies---Illegal Immigration Aides the Push for Global Tyranny!

Birthright Citizenship: A Fundamental Misunderstanding of the 14th Amendment | The Heritage Foundation


Ending Birthright Citizenship - American Thinker

Posts Falsely Question Citizenship of Trump’s Children Under His Birthright Plan - FactCheck.org


What about people simply seeking a better life? Many ask, "Have you no compassion for these poor souls?" First off, I don't blame them, but illegal methods have very much bigger looming negative outcomes to consider.

Nation states, as opposed to the now generally accepted push for ever more centralized control (once hand waved away as silly conspiracy stuff) affords the oppressed somewhere to run from injustice. 

That being said, the sovereign nation escape route in troubled times cannot exist without borders and laws. Seeking true asylum from globalist tyranny will be impossible if this simple qualifying statement is not respected. Elon can run to Mars perhaps, but as of yet most are nowhere near being able to board an escape pod.