Friday, August 30, 2024

Poem: Leave the Gun in the Drawer

Leave the Gun in the Drawer

I sit here, locked away,  
Behind these cold, unyielding bars,  
Dreaming of the simple days,  
When freedom wasn’t so far.  

A walk in the park at dusk,  
The taste of rain upon my skin,  
The laughter of children in the sun,  
All the things that might have been.  

A cup of coffee at dawn,  
The warmth of a lover’s hand,  
The smell of earth after a storm,  
These, I can’t understand.  

No birthdays shared with family,  
No holidays filled with cheer,  
Just the ticking of time’s cruel clock,  
And the weight of endless years.  

Oh, how I wish I could turn back time,  
To the day I made that fateful choice,  
To leave the gun there in the drawer,  
To listen to that small, still voice.  

If only I had walked away,  
Left anger behind and shut the door,  
I’d be out there, living life,  
Not trapped in regret forevermore.  

So if you’re there, standing on the edge,  
With a gun resting in your hand,  
Think of all you have to lose,  
All the things you can’t withstand.  

Leave the gun in the drawer, my friend,  
Choose a path where love is found,  
For once you cross that line, you see,  
There’s no way to turn around.  

I’m living proof, I’m locked away,  
A life wasted, full of sorrow,  
But you, you still have a chance,  
To find hope in a brighter tomorrow.