Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Mike Huckabee: What would happen if the electoral college ceased to exist? 🤔

What if your vote didn’t count in the next presidential election?
Every Democrat running for president, and some Republicans, believe that we should get rid of the electoral college. However, there’s a reason why our Founding Fathers created a representative republic, instead of a pure democracy.
So before you say - let’s kill the electoral college, let’s understand why we have one!
Our Founding Fathers feared a tyranny of the majority, a nation where only a few voices would be heard. Therefore, they created three equal branches of government: legislative, executive, and judicial. This system, paired with a set of checks and balances, created a fair basis for voting in every state. It is based on each state’s population and congressional representation.
Without the electoral college, votes would be based on the results of larger states with larger populations. If you lived in a small state, you would be voiceless and voteless. Furthermore, presidential candidates would solely focus on winning the vote of popular states such as California, New York, Florida, and Texas.
This excludes most of America.
Keeping the electoral college in place means that ALL of America matters in the election of a president.
So when people ask to get rid of the electoral college, ask yourself this: What other protections written in the constitution do they want to remove?
Then stand your ground, and say NO!