Friday, April 6, 2018

More proof that Obama was a friend to Russia: Trump’s closure of Moscow’s consulates in San Fran, Seattle, will greatly hamper Kremlin’s intel operations

Democrats in Congress, along with the American Pravda media, continue to push the big, fat lie that President Donald J. Trump’s campaign “colluded” with Russia to “steal the election” from Hillary Clinton.
In reality, the more time the passes the more we learn that the Obama administration was one of the most “Russia-friendly” in modern history.
Aside from ensuring that Vladimir Putin was able to gain control over 20 percent of all our strategic uranium, President Obama allowed Moscow’s spies to operate freely in some of the most sensitive areas of the country, even as he was aware that Putin was engaging in hybrid war against the United States.
Trump, by comparison, has been tougher on Russia by far, and has done the most to inhibit the Kremlin’s intelligence operations inside our country.
As reported by Politico, the latest effort undertaken by the president to thwart Moscow came last month when he ordered 60 Russian “diplomats” — they were spies — out of the country, along with the closure of a Russian consulate in Seattle that was situated near a major U.S. naval base.
The actions were taken in response to Russia’s likely involvement in an assassination attempt against an ex-spy and his daughter who are living in England; the two were targeted with a Soviet-era chemical weapon agent.
Expelling the diplomat/spies and closing the Seattle consulate followed Trump’s order to close Russia’s San Francisco consulate in August 2017, as well as two diplomatic annexes — in Washington, D.C., and New York City — in response to Russian’s order to the U.S. to cut its diplomatic staff in the country.
The Seattle and San Francisco consulates weren’t just chosen willy-nilly; there was a purpose to them, and the Trump administration was well aware of what it was doing.
As Politico noted further:
While Seattle is an important city for Russian intelligence collection efforts domestically, its consulate’s profile has generally been quieter than San Francisco’s or New York’s, according to two former U.S. intelligence officials who asked to remain anonymous but have knowledge of Russian activities in these areas. But the closure of the consulate is noteworthy nonetheless: Along with the administration’s shuttering of the San Francisco consulate in 2017, Russia will now lack a diplomatic facility west of Houston, or any diplomatic presence on the West Coast for the first time since 1971. Russian intelligence officers—at least those under diplomatic cover—will no longer operate in easy proximity to America’s two great tech capitals.
“Certainly, there were enough issues that were important to the Russians in Seattle—the naval bases, Microsoft, Boeing, Amazon,” John Sipher, a former CIA officer who worked closely with the FBI on counterespionage operations, told Politico. “There was always nervousness within the national security agencies that the sheer number of ethnic Russians in these industries was something the Russians could take advantage of. I don’t know if closing Seattle was a strategic choice; nonetheless, the concentration of high-tech and military resources makes it a sensible target.”
The website reported further that former senior U.S. intelligence officials noted after the closure of the San Francisco facility it functioned for decades as a principal hub for Russian intelligence-gathering throughout the western United States.
The facility had classified communications systems and had become a critical collection center in Moscow’s long-running operation to completely map out the American fiber optic cable network.
Seattle, meanwhile, was a top-five city for Russian counterintelligence work, though its operations were smaller than those in San Francisco.
The point is, Obama knew all of this but he refused to do anything about it, despite having plenty of opportunities to act against Russia — after its invasion of Crimea in 2014, for instance, followed by its involvement in Ukraine. He was too busy directing his Deep State minions as they improperly spied on Trump, the president who is acting to thwart Russia.
J.D. Heyes is editor of The National Sentinel and a senior writer for Natural News and News Target.
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