Monday, October 5, 2020

Drive-By Media Has Cow Over Trump Drive-By

We’re seeing schools try to reopen. We’re seeing parents who have already sent their kids to school with disease. This is the wrong message to be sending. And the only way that somebody can volunteer for something like this and do it safely is through real informed consent. They have to know the real risks of getting into that vehicle. And my concern is that they didn’t.

RUSH: His concern is that they didn’t, but does he know? They have to know the real risk? How would they not? They’re not stupid idiots. By the way, was the president wearing a mask? He was. Isn’t that the end-all to everything? If you’re wearing a mask that allows you to go do whatever you want to do. Isn’t that what they’ve been telling us? You gotta wear that mask. If you don’t wear that mask, you can’t go anywhere. If you got the mask on, fine and dandy. Isn’t that the impression they’ve left you with?

So president’s wearing a mask. They’re making a big deal too out of the fact that his SUV is hermetically sealed to guard against biological attacks or any kind of biohazard that might be launched as he’s driving around Washington or wherever he happens to be that nothing can get in.

Therefore, what is in is trapped in there and can’t get out. So here you have the president with COVID wearing his mask driving around, you got Secret Service people inside. One is driving. One’s riding shotgun. There’s some others in the back with the president. And the media is attempting to say that every one of those people has been put at grave risk in service to a president who doesn’t care about them. Who couldn’t care less if they get sick. That’s the message that they want to have conveyed. 
