Friday, October 18, 2019

Hannity RIPS ‘Dumb’ Mulvaney After ALLEGED Quid-Pro-Quo ‘Admission’

It's amazing that Biden can with hold Aid{Blackmail, by his own Admission} and it's OK, But if Trump does, the Sky has Fallen.. Double standards by CNN Again....

Team Badger Airsoft

He said that corruption in general was one the reasons we withheld funds.

Hannity RIPS ‘Dumb’ Mulvaney After ALLEGED Quid-Pro-Quo ‘Admission’

“What is Mulvaney even talking about?” Hannity said. “I just think he’s dumb, I really do. I don’t even think he knows what he’s talking about. That’s my take on it.”
You don’t need a chief of staff’s idiotic interpretation of things when the president and the president of Ukraine and everybody else can read it all themselves,” Hannity said, referring to the released transcript of Trump’s call with Ukraine. “That’s what’s amazing.”