Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Rearranging Reality - The Media's Role in the Clinton Chinagate Cover-up

Chinagate and the Blue Stained Dress; Pay to Play is part and parcel of the Bill & Hillary Clinton Handbook. In 1996 Congress opened an investigation into evidence the Clinton's compromised National Security in order to finance it's re-election campaign by selling advanced military technology to the Communist Chinese. Enter Monica Lewinski and her blue stained dress that created enough of a diversion to get the REAL story off the front pages and get Bill and Hillary Free from exposure to possible charges of high Treason.

Are we seeing the same tactic being played out today with money flowing in from foreign governments into the Clinton Foundation? Is this the REAL crux of matter with Hillary Clinton obstructing Justice by destroying evidence from her email server AFTER receiving a Congressional subpoena? There are stark parallels here that cannot be ignored.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, October 30th, 2019.]