Saturday, May 11, 2019

Has Trump had Enough of John Bolton's Push for War in Venezuela?

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss President Trump's relationship with his national security adviser John Bolton which appears to be on shaky ground following an embarrassing, US backed, failed coup against Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro...instigated by Bolton's man in Caracas, opposition puppet Juan Guaidó.

The Washington Post broke the story of Trump's dissatisfaction with Bolton on Wednesday, citing current and former administration officials.

Bolton's uber-hawkish worldview, and lust for US war and military intervention is at odds with Trump's core campaign pledge to keep the United States out of costly foreign entanglements. Before becoming US President Trump, consistently called for an end to the wars in Afghanistan and Syria.

The neocons are treasonous snakes. All of these people, and dual-citizen bureaucrats, must be ratted out of the establishment - for starters.

One thing. I don't know if Trump really has enough power and courage to stand up against (murderous) neocon demands.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, May 12th, 2019.]