DEBUNKED: TOP 5 Socialism Lies! | Louder With Crowder
TOP 5: Lessons from Venezuela's Socialism! | Louder with Crowder
Venezuelans Warn Against Socialism: I Say We Listen to Them
Venezuelans Warn Against Socialism: I Say We Listen to Them
Butthurt Maduro Loving Socialists Try, Fail to Shill
Butthurt Maduro Loving Socialists Try, Fail to Shill
You could cut the irony with a knife
Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro lashed out at President Trump following his blistering UN speech Tuesday, calling him the “new Hitler of international politics.”
The scathing remarks by the socialist dictator were retaliation for Trump’s comments about Venezuela’s “faithful” implementation of socialism which have resulted in riots, mass starvation, and bankruptcy in the country.
“The problem in Venezuela is not that socialism has been poorly implemented, but that socialism has been faithfully implemented,” Trump said.
“The Venezuelan people are starving and their country is collapsing. Their democratic institutions are being destroyed. This situation is completely unacceptable and we cannot stand by and watch.”
“I ask every country represented here today to be prepared to do more to address this very real crisis,” he added.
Maduro, who was not present at the UN assembly, reacted angrily from Caracas.
“Nobody threatens Venezuela and nobody owns Venezuela,” Maduro said, adding that the speech was an “aggression from the new Hitler of international politics, Mr. Donald Trump, against the people of Venezuela.”
Bizarrely, Maduro even went as far to say that Trump had publicly announced his intention to assassinate the dictator, even though all Trump said was that the U.S. was “prepared to take further action.”
“Donald Trump today threatened the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela with death,” Maduro said.
The irony of an authoritarian socialist dictator calling Trump “Hitler” should not be lost on anyone.
Maduro has been ruthless in his struggle to control his people over the summer as food shortages grow, riots increase, and inflation skyrockets.
He’s killed 49 protesters, quelled several coup attempts, and thrown political opponents in prison to retain power in the collapsing country.
The social unrest is inevitable considering Venezuela’s economy has contracted 20% and inflation has soared to over 800%, according to central bank figures.
Venezuela has also become so poor through socialist policies that their currency, the bolivar, is now worth lessthan the fake digital gold in the popular online-role playing game “World of Warcraft.”
Trump Blasts Socialism in Venezuela for Causing ‘Devastation and Failure’ in UN Speech

President Donald Trump delivered his first speech to the United Nations today which, in true Trump fashion, turned out to be a historic event that delivered some hard truth’s to world leaders while the president laid out a firm “America First” agenda.

Advocates of socialism frequently tout a perceived sense of equality from this skewed political system, as on paper it at first sounds like a novel idea, but one only needs to judge the end results of socialism as observed in each and every country where it has been implemented. It’s easy to be seduced by false promises of equality and “free” institutions for an entire population, but in reality citizens under the yoke of socialism eventually all become equally poor, destitute and desperate as the government ultimately falls prey to corruption and mismanagement. However, politicians enjoy expanded powers over all basic necessities under socialism such as healthcare, education and food distribution, which means socialism is a very attractive system to the global elite.
United Nations Trumped! - Trump Destroys Socialism / Communism In Epic UN Speech, Leftists Gasp In Horror - Trump at #UNGA: He's Either the Consummate Political Genius or Absolutely Out of His Mind - The Lionel Review: Trump Addresses the UN General Assembly - LIMBAUGH: Trump's UN Speech Was An 'IN-YOUR-FACE' To So Many People:
President Donald Trump delivered his first speech to the United Nations today which, in true Trump fashion, turned out to be a historic event that delivered some hard truth’s to world leaders while the president laid out a firm “America First” agenda.
One of the most powerful, impactful portions of Trump’s speech today included his comments regarding the collapsing situation in Venezuela, where its citizens have been protesting the poor conditions and lack of basic necessities for months, as well as pointing out the root cause of this suffering. Trump mentioned the events occurring in Venezuela are “completely unacceptable” and that the United States is considering taking further actions as he states, “We cannot stand by and watch”.
The president clearly identifies the main cause of the problems in Venezuela as a pure form of socialism, followed by one of the president’s most powerful statements to date.
“The problem in Venezuela is not that socialism has been poorly implemented, but that socialism has been faithfully implemented.(Applause) From the Soviet Union to Cuba to Venezuela, wherever true socialism or communism has been adopted, it has delivered anguish and devastation and failure.”“Those who preach the tenets of these discredited ideologies only contribute to the continued suffering of the people who live under these cruel systems. America stands with every person living under a brutal regime. Our respect for sovereignty is also a call for action. All people deserve a government that cares for their safety, their interests and their well-being, including their prosperity.”
Trump’s comments regarding socialism and its history of failing the citizens of any country where it’s instituted will likely be added to his long list of poignant and historic statements for a United States president. Memes featuring this phrase are already making their way across social media, and I suspect many more are on their way.
Advocates of socialism frequently tout a perceived sense of equality from this skewed political system, as on paper it at first sounds like a novel idea, but one only needs to judge the end results of socialism as observed in each and every country where it has been implemented. It’s easy to be seduced by false promises of equality and “free” institutions for an entire population, but in reality citizens under the yoke of socialism eventually all become equally poor, destitute and desperate as the government ultimately falls prey to corruption and mismanagement. However, politicians enjoy expanded powers over all basic necessities under socialism such as healthcare, education and food distribution, which means socialism is a very attractive system to the global elite.
Similar impactful statements made by Donald Trump supporting an America First agenda also include his “we will no longer surrender this country or its people to the false song of globalism” comments made in a speech during the election last year, delivering a vivid depiction of his profound doubt in a framework of global institutions that have dominated the globe for decades, have also been memorialized in memes.
View Trump’s historic comments on socialism and the suffering it has wrought in countries like Venezuela below:
EERILY AOC’S TALKING POINTS MIRROR STALIN’S THAT LED TO STARVATION - How socialism turned Venezuela from the wealthiest country in South America into an economic basket case
More at Fox News
What can you say about AOC (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez) that can’t be said about Stalin? Well, she probably would not kill millions of Americans directly, like Stalin did to the Russians. But, other than that, their policies mirror each other. Stalin promised healthcare for all and AOC promises Medicare for All. Stalin advocated for free college for all, and so does AOC. The Soviet constitution made housing a right. AOC says that housing is a basic human right. Remember, those Soviet programs led to mass starvation of the Russian people as would it in this country should enough people start believing that free stuff is really free.
The 29-year-old representative from New York was elected in November despite her affiliation with the far-left Democratic Socialists of America, and one doesn’t even need to dig into her past to figure out that she’s a proponent of socialism.
The representative’s campaign website outlined her ridiculous talking points for the entire world to see: Government-guaranteed medical care, housing, education — even jobs.
It might sound like a liberal dream, but her platform takes on a disturbing reality when readside-by-side with the constitution of the Soviet Union.
Keep in mind that the Soviet Union’s policies resulted in mass starvation, the gulag, poverty and suffering.
The Soviet Union guaranteed the “right to health protection,” including “free, qualified medical care provided by state health institutions.”
Ocasio-Cortez’s platform supports “Medicare for all,” which includes “full vision, dental, and mental healthcare.”
My book is here! And I personally handed a copy to our President at the White House!!! I hope you enjoy it @realDonaldTrump!
Thank you @RealCandaceO for writing the foreword for it!!! #BLEXIT #Woke#WeTheFree #WalkAway
How socialism turned Venezuela from the wealthiest country in South America into an economic basket case
Venezuela was once the wealthiest country in South America, but in recent years millions have fled the country amid mass starvation and violence after socialist policies were enacted and government seized private industries.
Now, as Venezuelans struggle against the country’s current dictator, some Venezuelan exiles in the U.S. are desperately warning Americans to avoid going down a similar path.
“Socialism not only takes away from people the access to basic food and medicines, but also creates an environment in which life is worth nothing,” Giannina Raffo, who fled Venezuela in 2016 but who still works with activist organizations there, told Fox News.
Despite that situation in Venezuela, polls show Americans warming to the term “socialism” in recent years.
Venezuelans who have fled their country warn that their country’s history shows what others must watch for and avoid.
Venezuela’s journey to disaster began in 1992, when a Venezuelan lieutenant colonel named Hugo Chavez led several army units in a coup against the government. More than 100 people were killed in fighting, but his coup was defeated.
However, in the name of national unity, the government released Chavez from prison after just two years.
Chavez made many positive statements about socialism after his release from prison. Almost immediately after his release, he went to Cuba and spoke before the Cuban parliament and Fidel Castro, telling them: “I do not deserve this honor. I hope I will deserve it one day… We are committed to the revolutionary work.”
More at Fox News
Socialist Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Thinks Being Wealthy is Immoral, Goes Full Cringe
Socialist Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Thinks Being Wealthy is Immoral, Goes Full Cringe
Press 9 for English | Debunking the Sentimentalists
Socialist Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Thinks Being Wealthy is Immoral, Goes Full Cringe
Press 9 for English | Debunking the Sentimentalists
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Is Trump The Last Republican President? - American Socialism On The Rise
Is Trump The Last Republican President? - American Socialism On The Rise
Is Trump The Last Republican President? - American Socialism On The Rise
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Can't Budget for Rent Because She Is a Socialist
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Can't Budget for Rent Because She Is a Socialist
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Can't Budget for Rent Because She Is a Socialist
Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Says the Electoral College is Like Slavery and Must Be Abolished
Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Says the Electoral College is Like Slavery and Must Be Abolished
Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Says the Electoral College is Like Slavery and Must Be Abolished
Socialism VS Democratic Socialism | Why Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Just Doesn't Get It - VIDEO: DO ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ SUPPORTERS UNDERSTAND SOCIALISM?
“I don’t know where the money would come from, but they can figure it out.”
Last month, 28 year-old Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez shocked the world by defeating incumbent Rep. Joe Crowley to earn the Democratic nomination in New York’s 14th Congressional District.
Ocasio-Cortez gained notoriety nationwide not just for her youth, but for her unabashed embrace of Democratic Socialism.
In her official platform, Ocasio-Cortez offers support for free college, “housing as a human right”, “medicare for all,” and a mandatory minimum living wage.
Wanting to know if her supporters liked the idea of Democratic Socialism, and if they’d support the government offering these services for free, I headed to Ocasio-Cortez’s district, in Astoria, NY.
People on the street were quick to offer support for Ocasio-Cortez’s brand of socialism, and overwhelmingly supported her vision for the district.
They were more hesitant, however, to offer ideas for how to pay for all of the free things that Ocasio-Cortez is promising.
“I don’t know where the money would come from, but they can figure it out,” one person stated confidently.
“Oh, God… Us, I guess,” conceded another.
One supporter seemed to think Americans would be okay with paying higher taxes, saying “with a good idea, and a good reason to spend their tax money, people wouldn’t actually mind paying more taxes.”
Another admitted that they’re not quite sure what it is that they like about Ocasio-Cortez’s economic philosophy, but insisted that “I just know that democratic socialist is better than conservative.”
What would these people think when asked how socialism is working in Venezuela? Watch the full videoto find out!
Last month, 28 year-old Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez shocked the world by defeating incumbent Rep. Joe Crowley to earn the Democratic nomination in New York’s 14th Congressional District.
Ocasio-Cortez gained notoriety nationwide not just for her youth, but for her unabashed embrace of Democratic Socialism.
In her official platform, Ocasio-Cortez offers support for free college, “housing as a human right”, “medicare for all,” and a mandatory minimum living wage.
Wanting to know if her supporters liked the idea of Democratic Socialism, and if they’d support the government offering these services for free, I headed to Ocasio-Cortez’s district, in Astoria, NY.
People on the street were quick to offer support for Ocasio-Cortez’s brand of socialism, and overwhelmingly supported her vision for the district.
They were more hesitant, however, to offer ideas for how to pay for all of the free things that Ocasio-Cortez is promising.
“I don’t know where the money would come from, but they can figure it out,” one person stated confidently.
“Oh, God… Us, I guess,” conceded another.
One supporter seemed to think Americans would be okay with paying higher taxes, saying “with a good idea, and a good reason to spend their tax money, people wouldn’t actually mind paying more taxes.”
Another admitted that they’re not quite sure what it is that they like about Ocasio-Cortez’s economic philosophy, but insisted that “I just know that democratic socialist is better than conservative.”
What would these people think when asked how socialism is working in Venezuela? Watch the full videoto find out!