Monday, April 1, 2019

West Wing Reads: The Border Asylum Crisis

The Border Asylum Crisis

“A genuine crisis is building at the southern border as the perverse incentives of U.S. asylum law invite a surge of migrants that is overwhelming border security,” The Wall Street Journal editorial board writes.

“Immigration has picked up over the last year as word has spread that parents with children who claim asylum can stay for years and perhaps forever . . . At the current rate, border apprehensions will exceed one million this year—the most since 2006—as human smugglers become more ambitious and reduce prices to entice more migrants.”

Click here to read more.
“The job of newspapers was once to ‘comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.’ Today, that job seems to be to give voice to liars and shout down the truth,” Charles Hurt writes in The Washington Times. “No one has been given more airtime and ink to spread his lies than Rep. Adam Schiff, California Democrat, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee and chief prevaricator. That anyone this dishonest is allowed to hold a position of such importance and power in Congress tells you all you need to know about Washington these days.”
In Fox News, Vice President Mike Pence writes that President Trump’s mission for NASA to return to the moon in five years is a worthy goal for America. “The president believes that, to be worthy of our great nation, our space program must pursue great things, including, above all, being the first nation to send astronauts to the moon in the 21st Century. And our administration will do whatever it takes to succeed.”
“Conservatives have not had so triumphant a week since the fall of the Berlin Wall,” Michael Knowles writes for Fox News. “The past two years have offered many successes, from President Trump’s victory in 2016 to the successful confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. But none so thoroughly demolished so dominant a leftist narrative as the collapse of the Russia collusion hoax.”
“As President Trump doubles down on his pledge to build a southern border wall, Hispanics are showing broad support for him, according to a new survey,” Paul Bedard reports for the Washington Examiner. “Some 50 percent of Hispanics approve of the president’s job, according to the latest McLaughlin & Associates poll of likely general election voters.”