Monday, April 1, 2019

#456 | TRUMP'S WINNINGEST WEEK EVER! | Dan Crenshaw Guests | Louder With Crowder

Huge show! Talking sh!tty Jussie Smollett, Pope ring kissing, New Zealand gun blowback, and we celebrate Trump's constant winning! Rep. Dan Crenshaw guests and ISIS Representative Mahmoud al Mahmoud and Half-Asian Lawyer Bill Richmond are both in third chair!

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Read "Chris Evans Hates Trump Supporters and Doesn’t Care if You Know It" at

#456 | TRUMP'S WINNINGEST WEEK EVER! | Dan Crenshaw Guests | Louder With Crowder


100% Proof! Russian Collusion was a Hoax Designed to Impeach Trump and Divert Attention from Internal Email Leak & Clinton Criminal Activities

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