Thursday, March 14, 2019

Trump administration discusses closing international immigration offices - America is NOT a Nation of Immigrants or a Melting Pot | The Truth About Immigration into America - The TRUE Effects of Immigration on Our Country

Judgy Judgerton
And, as an American, born and bred, WE don’t WANT this. This is a country of immigrants. Not Smith, Jones, and Miller

No. Trump is Right...

Trump administration discusses closing international immigration offices - America is NOT a Nation of Immigrants or a Melting Pot | The Truth About Immigration into America - The TRUE Effects of Immigration on Our Country

The Red Pill Dragon
2/3 of our immigrants are coming from Mexico and Central America. Hmm that doesn't sound very diverse, does it?

Editor's Note: We need to stop favoring the 3rd world, or any place for that matter, as it pertains to immigration. I understand the laws changed in the 1960s which favored European countries, but that was a long time ago and the precedent is set. It's in our fabric now. And I very-well understand the misconceptions about slavery and battles with natives that exist. But Europeans cannot lay sole claim to this country. European countries are another story. But there is a middle ground. One idea that comes to mind, is giving every country the same amount of legal, merit-based, immigration every year. More...


Press 9 for English | Debunking the Sentimentalists:

Hillary Clinton, Schumer, Pelosi, Obama, and Other Democrats All Agree with Trump’s Immigration Plan!

Editor's Note: Of course all of this apparent hypocrisy is really just evidence that the Dems were simply paying the issue lip service, with no real intentions of doing anything, which they didn't. Case in point, Hillary says in the video clips that she does "think you do have to control your borders" and was in favor of a "build the physical barrier" (AKA build the wall) policy. However, Wikileaks revealed that in private Clinton stated, "My Dream Is a Hemispheric Common Market with Open Trade and Open Borders."

As was revealed in a candid moment a few years ago by another anti-trumper, Chris Matthews: 'Let's face it,' Democrats want illegal immigrants for the votes. With the population as it currently stands, the Democrats have lost the argument in this countryas it pertains to the fundamental tenets of secular, globalist, liberalism. Since the 60's, any strides progressivism has made in the US has been due to backlash at bad governance by conservatives, but the past 30 years has demonstrated that the American people prefer center-right ideas over the ideology of the Democratic Party.

The most glaring evidence of this, is the Demonrats insistence on giving illegals preference over American citizens. The reason they do this is clear. The demographics prove that bringing in large amounts of Hispanics as well as third-world immigrants, who by and large vote for failed big government policies, as epitomized by the collapse of socialist Venezuela, is a huge gain for the Democrats. Trump is right that illegal immigrants voting is a real issue, just as anchor babies voting is another, and DACA recipients being legalized and getting voting rights is yet another. Well, these are not real issues of concern if you are a Democrat, because if the native population has seen through your bullshit, then just replace them with others who have not gotten the memo yet!

Democrats All Agree with Trump’s Immigration Plan! 😆