Thursday, February 14, 2019

Orbán Will Pay Moms to Have Kids - Bill Still

Hungary’s populist prime minister, Viktor Orbán, is trying to repopulate his nation with native Hungarians. To do so, he has promised that women who have four or more children will granted a lifetime exemption from income tax.
In addition, families who have 3 or more children will receive a one-time subsidy of 2.5 million forints ($8,825) towards the purchase a seven-seat vehicle.
On top of that, women under the age of 40 who are marrying for the first time will receive a low-interest loan of 10 million forints ($35,300) to do with as they please.

There are viable solutions to Europe's low birth rate problem.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, February 14th, 2019.]