Thursday, July 12, 2018

'Date Me You Bigot' - Lesbian Man Takes a Stand! (Bearing)

Originally uploaded 5th December 2016. Riley Dennis (Justin Dennis up until a few months ago) is a transgendered 'lesbian' who has a few ideas about you personal preferences - namely, that they're horrible and bigoted ... you horrible bigot. Regards, Bearing.

This is the fundamental problem with SJW politics. They try to force their fringe preferences onto the majority heterosexual population that is simply not interested. If you don't like what they're pushing, or have no interest, then you are allegedly a bigot. Most people do not care what fringe behaviour people get up to, so long as they keep it to themselves. The oppression of these SJW adherents is largely inside the minds of these people. It's made up. They are seeing things as if it were the 40-50 years in the past.

On a functionalist level, to keep people making babies, the ideal coupling is between a biological man and a woman.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, July 13th, 2018.]