Tuesday, July 4, 2017

President of Judicial Watch Calls For DOJ to Shut Down “Out of Control” Mueller Investigation - Mueller and Comey- American Crime Brothers Exposed

Thomas and Betsy discuss the appointment of Robert Muller as Special Council to oversee the Trump-Russia "witchhunt." For more information and citizen intelligence reports on Mueller and Comey, please go to www.aim4truth.org and type in their names in the search bar. Relevant articles will pop up. Here are a few:


Comey Crimes- https://aim4truth.org/2017/03/29/6438/



Former FBI Agent: Exposes Comey and Mueller - Deep state agent Robert Mueller is on the case "once again":


Mueller / Comey / Holder helped cover-up pedophile island / Gave Epstein sweetheart deal - Shot Congressman Was Trying to Expose Pedophilia, Discussed in Podesta Emails:
