Monday, February 20, 2017

Styx: Thoughts on Creepy Milo Yiannopolous and his Man-Boy Love Rant

Thoughts on Creepy Milo Yiannopoulos and his Man-Boy Love Rant (Take Two)

The Video:

Slimebeast Pug 4 months ago
You should be very careful to discredit a whole person only because he happens to be wrong on one issue. Why can't people accept that perhaps these sexual relationships have affected Milo to the extent that he just can't think clearly and objectively about this particular issue?

He believes on a theoretical level that adults certainly have the potential to abuse and hurt teenage individuals with sex, but it's not always so, and it didn't happen in his case. There are exceptions, a grey area. He feels that these sexual relationships have overall been positive on his life and wellbeing as adult (despite the partying and the alcohol later).

And since Milo just isn't able to summon up any genuinely negative feelings about his personal experience, it then becomes hard to adopt a negative stance theoretically. He ends up in a grey area, and it's there that he still dwells.

So after all these years Milo still might be conflicted between theory and emotion. His emotions cloud his mind. He is still processing. And while processing, and since he is a public figure, he felt he had the right to just be honest and speak his mind. Even at the risk of being wrong.

We all should accept that. Because everyone can be wrong. Everyone are wrong about something.

Therefore no conservatives should boycot and distance themselves from Milo. We can't abandon and betray him for being wrong on one subject.

If we would hold everyone to these standards nobody would ever qualify to be listened to or to be trusted in, because everyone is wrong about something.