Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Ted Cruz Wins Wisconsin BUT Donald Trump Supporters will NEVER Unite with or Choose LYIN' TED

https://www.facebook.com/donaldtrumpm... Donald Trump supporters will never unite with Ted Cruz we despise the man Ted Cruz is the most hated man in all of America! There is no greater stain on democracy than the junior senator from the great state of Texas. We will NEVER Choose Cruz!!


Trump is Right: 'How can Ted Cruz be an evangelical Christian when he lies so much and is so dishonest?

5 days ago ... Trump is Right: 'How can Ted Cruz be an evangelical Christian when he lies so much and is so dishonest?' Ted Cruz's Biggest Liability Is ..
5 days ago ... Yet in 2016 Ted Cruz somehow garnered 35,000 votes ALONE. ... Donald Trump record turn out of new voters, here is Ted Cruzagain, TAKING ...
Mar 6, 2016 ... I can't think of a better description of Ted Cruz'srelationship with the DC-Wall Street Establishment – Cruz being the scoundrel of course. Cruz's ...
Mar 29, 2016 ... Ted Cruz declined to answer a question on Monday about whether he has ever been unfaithful to his wife Heidi. 'Senator Cruz,' DailyMail.com ...