Monday, April 4, 2016


'America is sick of idiotic pathetic attacks'

A Trump campaign internal memo, leaked to the Washington Post, reveals the level of disdain that the business mogul’s team has for the political establishment and their media talking heads.
The memo. entitled “Digging through the Bull Shit,” is written by Trump’s senior adviser Barry Bennett, and eviscerates Trump detractors.
“So this week the media and the Washington establishment bashed the campaign with energy yet ever seen against a Republican candidate,” Bennett declares in the memo.
“You name the medium, and it was dominated with Trump attacks.” the note continues.
“The media themselves couldn’t wait to label the week, ‘the worst week ever.’ D.C. pundits scurried to the networks to proclaim that the end was at hand for Donald Trump.” Bennett also notes, pointing out the disconnect between Trump’s rising popularity and the media talking points.
“[It is] yet another pathetic display by the so-called experts who line their pockets at the expense of our candidates and causes.” urges the memo, which was written following the furor of allegations against Trump’s campaign manager Corey Lewandowski.
“America is sick of them,” Bennett adds. “Their idiotic attacks just remind voters why they hate the Washington establishment. Donald Trump 1, Washington establishment/media 0.” the memo concludes.
Appearing on Fox News Sunday, Trump rejected the notion that he is “blowing” his campaign.

“If you had purposely set out to turn off voters, especially women voters, over the last two weeks, I”m not sure you could have done a better job,” host Chris Wallace said.
“I just got great polls from NBC nationwide,” Trump replied. “I think that we’re doing very well. Don’t forget you have been thinking about that or asking me that question numerous times … ‘He just blew his campaign,’ only to end up having higher poll numbers.”
In a further appearance on CBS’s “Face the Nation,” Trump also dismissed the idea that last week was one of the worst of his campaign.

“I don’t know that it’s been the worst week of my campaign,” Trump said. “I think I’ve had many bad weeks and I’ve had many good weeks. I don’t see this as the worst week in my campaign.”
Steve Watson is a London based writer and editor for Alex Jones’, and