Saturday, June 10, 2023

Discredited Former FBI Head Worried Trump Will Come After Him! (Jimmy Dore)

Remember former FBI head James Comey, the known liar who led the deep state effort to pin Russiagate allegations on Trump? Well now he’s back in the news, warning Americans that if Trump is elected in 2024 he will use the power of the presidency to go after his enemies — just like what was done to him!

Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss what a lowlife Comey is and how the fearmongering about Trump will likely just aid Trump’s electoral prospects.

Dore is no fan of Trump or these corrupt goons. Will Trump really go after these people? If he tries they'll just kill him. This is just more propaganda/vilification contributing to the mainstream media's fantasy narrative.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, June 10, 2023.]