Friday, October 22, 2021

Cancel cancel culture... and pussy culture! Steven Crowder Joins Infowars To Discuss His Suspension From YouTube, Travis Tritt, And More

Steven Crowder Joins Infowars To Discuss His Suspension From YouTube, Travis Tritt, And More 

I was a fan of George Carlin's "rat shit, bat shit, dirty old twat, 69 assholes tied in a knot, monkey shit, lizard shit, Fuck!" Or something like that. If he were alive today he'd really be raising holy hell!!!

Calling all potential comedic heroes! The spirit of Carlin and Pryor compels you, take the stage for your first time ever. Or to the pussyfied veterans of funny stuff, who are living in fear of communist born PC speech regulation. Fuck commie cancel culture authoritarianism! The cancel button doesn't exist. Man up! Speak out! Be proud! 

Take a damn chance. Be a rebel. Be immortal. Be remembered for being there when your skills were desperately needed. Life is worth losing as Carlin also said. To put it another way, life is worth living even if you risk losing it, be that just the life you knew, or life itself, but we aren't quite there yet as far as stakes. But the point of no return fast approaches.