This is a response to a disinformation induced, brain dead and sadly unresponsive, liberal family member who I recently reported...
Wouldn't even be my friend if not related because they don't agree with [me on politics and specific issues] that they have only taken a cursory glance at, at best. They also stated, that they do not want to be friends with anyone who doesn't totally agree with their hyper-partisan worldview. This has cost them lifelong relationships with other friends and 3 children. Of course, friendship with TDS afflicted, cancel culture leftists, necessitates total authoritarian agreement.
During our recent email exchanges, they passed along this link...
My Reply:
Bowing out of trying to get along without insect or NAZI-like unity, without trying to objectively assess issues concerning division and civil debate is the easy way out. Finding enough of a balance to not tip the scale to the "divided we fall" side requires much due diligence.
"It isn't what you do, but how you do it." - John Wooden
Allow for Discussion and Debate - Whether senior leaders actively discourage disagreement or their (or your) management behaviors suggest that disagreement will not be tolerated, the suppression of ideas is part of the formula for failure. Instead of suggesting yours is the only answer, position it as an option to be considered.The Bottom Line - It is important to foster a culture in your company where differing opinions are encouraged...
Trump "CULT" is Liberal Leftist Propaganda
Liberalism a Cult? ABSOLUTELY!!! - Dr. Rich Swier - In the Liberal Cult there is no room for dissenting thought or actions. In fact if you don’t believe as the cult does, they will brand you a racist, a sexist, a bigot, a homophobe.
Liberalism is a cult. No doubt. We are also witnessing extreme intolerance of differing opinions from seasoned liberal journalists.
Liberal Cult tells us time and time again that the right to freely speak your mind should be limited to ideas in which the Liberal Cult agrees with.
Calling evil good, conforming to secular culture, and reinterpreting Christian teachings to fit an agenda is part of the cult of modern Liberalism which masquerades as Christianity.
Controlled Demolition of the American Empire - From the Founding of the Federal Reserve, to 9/11, to the Coronavirus Panic
Left's Ongoing Attack on American Freedom
"If you are not a liberal at 25, you have no heart. If you are not a conservative at 35 you have no brain." According to there is no consensus on who wrote the above saying
Being driven by an ideology so fervent that you are not only censoring "wrong think" 1984 style, but also stopping soldiers from doing their assignment because they've yet to have been forced to go to a Communist style reeducation camp... then you might be a bit divisive. Absent a totalitarian police state, no such consensus will ever practically be achieved. Sadly, that means to an end is thought by many (including some famous leftist heroes to varying degrees) to be the current MO and trajectory.
- Carlson argued that Americans are being discouraged from asking 'simple, straightforward questions' about the safety of the vaccine
- His comments followed Facebook's decision to delete posts that it deemed to include misinformation about the vaccine
- He went on to argue that the most 'powerful people in America' - like Facebook - have been working to make sure that no one could criticize it
- Glenn Greenwald told Carlson that Facebook was bowing to pressure from liberal media outlets
- He said if anyone disagreed with them on vaccines, they would be 'shamed'
- Greenwald said Facebook's move was dangerous and unhelpful
The Prevalence of Marxism in Academia:
Self-Identifying Marxist Professors Outnumber Conservatives as College Professors:
EDUCATION; The Mainstreaming of Marxism in U.S. Colleges:
Welcome to Professor Watchlist, a project of Turning Point USA and Turning Point News. The mission of Professor Watchlist is to expose and document college professors who discriminate against conservative students and advance leftist propaganda in the classroom...
"It’s a sign of how divided we are as a country that we cannot even agree on the nature of our divisions. This disagreement over the source of our disagreements is not merely partisan"... America Divided: It Starts With the Democratic Party
"He didn’t pay his taxes, beat up kids at prep school, put the family dog on the top of the station wagon, didn’t care if an employee’s wife died of cancer ’cause Mitt didn’t care enough about health care, they said all."
Mitt Romney’s ‘Nice Guy’ Strategy
Since Donald Trump’s election in 2016, the mainstream media has shed its once-noble mission — the pursuit of the truth — and instead adopted a new purpose: to take down the president. In an excerpt from her new book, “Resistance at All Costs: How Trump Haters are Breaking America,” out Tuesday, KIMBERLEY STRASSEL examines how far the press will go in its relentless crusade . . .
100% Proof! Russian Collusion was a Hoax Designed to Impeach Trump and Divert Attention from Internal Email Leak & Clinton Criminal Activities
Compare that to Trump’s attacks on others. 99% of Trump’s attacks are in response to being attacked and his attacks almost always land. The left tries to paint Trump like he’s the aggressor, he’s the bully, and they’re somewhat successful at that because he’s so damn good at counterpunching it can seem like he’s just out there knocking people on their asses.