Tuesday, March 2, 2021


The documentary points out that many agents provocateur were present at the Capitol Riot and that their actions were pre-planned. The goal was to assist in stopping Trump from challenging the election fraud, which they had labelled as a 'coup', when the real coup was being perpetrated by themselves and the Deep State. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, March 2, 2021.]

It is not in Trump's genetic makeup to quit - particularly when the fraud in the election is so blatant. The point of Trump's rally, was to send a message to congress before they cast their votes. It was never about "giving license to riot" as MSM have you believe. As you seen in the video, there were "many" forces at play working against Trump, all with a common end-game agenda. Even if Trump was not at the Jan 6th rally, the rioters would of still went ahead invading the Capitol building, and Trump would still have been blamed for their handiwork. (Note: Pelosi was drafting up articles of impeachment even while the riot was in full swing. You really don't think she had fore-knowledge of the events about to play out? Why was she the first to make a hasty exit from the floor of Congress? ) THIS from The Gateway Pundit to illustrate my point : https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/02/pelosis-fault-speaker-pelosi-told-sgt-arms-deny-national-guard-capitol-due-optics-left-building-unprotected-must-resign/