Saturday, November 2, 2019

Democrats Formalize Impeachment, But Whistleblower Identity EXPOSES This As A Political Hit Job (Tim Pool)

Democrats Formalize Impeachment, But Whistleblower Identity EXPOSES This As A Political Hit Job. The House has formally approved the Impeachment Inquiry with the vote going straight down party lines. Democrats in favor, Republicans opposed, with two Democrats defecting and also opposing the inquiry.

But all of this happens in the backdrop of a new story exposing the identity of the "whistleblower" as Eric Ciaramella.

It turns out Ciaramella is a hold over from the Obama era and has close to ties to top intelligence officials as well as Democrats. More shockingly however, is that he was working with Alexandra Chalupa in some capacity. This is the woman accused of colluding with Ukraine to dig up dirt on Trump as outlined in the Politico story.

Assuming this report is true it stands to reason that with ties to the origins of Russiagate and now sparking Ukrainegate that this is nothing more than a political hit job designed to smear Trump and help democrats in 2020.

Democrats are betting on impeachment being a driving factor in their elections. Instead of focusing on what they can do for Americans they seem to be focused on ensuring people hate the President so much that they vote against him instead of for them.

Many people say this is Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats trying to reverse the results of 2016 and that is technically true. But the reality is that this is all an attempt to make the president look so bad they win by default.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, November 3rd, 2019.]