Saturday, November 2, 2019

Biden & Burisma: Oligarch Energy War Protection Against Poroshenko Kickbacks

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss former VP Joe Biden's appearance on CBS' "60 Minutes", where Biden cam to the defense of his son Hunter Biden's shady Ukrainian business dealings.

"I’ve never discussed my business or their business, my sons’ or daughter’s," said Biden. "And I’ve never discussed them because they know where I have to do my job and that’s it and they have to make their own judgments. [Hunter] was already on the board. And he’s a grown man. And it turns out he did not do a single thing wrong, as everybody’s investigated."

Biden never mentioned the fact that he used his power as Vice President to have a prosecutor fired who was investigating his son's Ukrainian employer, energy company Burisma.

Background to the Burisma Holdings Hunter Biden thing. The company was being investigated and Joe helped protect them from investigation by having the prosecutor fired. Hunter wasn't being investigated but an Oligarch involved (whose assets were frozen in the UK) was ... the Trump call was not necessarily about going after Biden, but a heads up to looking at the Russiagate hoax. This situation was brought up because Trump was worried about the corruption in the country that might derail things. Anyway, the whole impeachment push on this matter doesn't make any sense in this context. There is no crime. Posted to help people work things out, especially if this impeachment push fails - just like the Russiagate investigation failed (not because there was a cover-up, but because there was no case to be made).

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, November 3rd, 2019.]