Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Sorry, Greta Thunberg, but you’re (mostly) wrong

“You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words…People are suffering. People are dying.”
Greta Thunberg’s impassioned speech at the UN’s Climate Action Summit was a remarkable act of courage. Scolding world leaders on an international stage would be a tall task for a seasoned politician, let alone a 16-year-old student-activist.
However, emotion must not be confused with scientific credibility, and in this case, the “science” behind Thunberg’s pleas for help is (mostly) wrong, and her message dangerously misguided.
First, the science: Despite the tearful claims of stolen childhoods, suffering and death, Greta’s generation has grown up in the most prosperous time in human history. Global hunger is at an all-time low. Fewer live in poverty than ever before. Life expectancy is up. Disease is generally down.
Debunking Potholer54 and Global Warming/Climate Change Propaganda:
