Thursday, April 4, 2019

1600 Daily: This is what our southern border actually looks like

This is what our southern border actually looks like

Congressional Democrats claim that replacing existing barriers on our southern border isn’t necessary. Maybe they haven't seen how these old fence sections actually work.

In just one example, on December 22, smugglers pushed a group of adults and children through a hole in the Sanchez Canal border infrastructure—an area of the wall that’s partially underwater. These smugglers profit off thousands of children brought along by adults on this terrifying journey.
The Trump Administration is treating the crisis on our southern border as the true national emergency that it is. Last night, Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen explained how U.S. law enforcement has broken up so-called “child recycling rings,” a horrid practice where smugglers kidnap children, give them to adults to cross the border posing as a family, and pass them back to other illegal immigrants, repeating the process.

“The smugglers . . . they are sicker than we have ever seen before,” Secretary Nielsen says.

Meanwhile, border apprehensions are skyrocketing, and U.S. facilities are overwhelmed. In February, more than 76,000 people crossed the border without authorization, the highest number in more than a decade. Today, we are quickly approaching a new era of 100,000 or more illegal immigrants apprehended per month.

A long-term solution can come only from Congress, but the Trump Administration is using the full extent of its executive authority to address the immediate crisis. This week, the Department of Homeland Security announced that 750 personnel would be temporarily reassigned to the southwest border. “We are doing everything we can to simply avoid a tragedy in a CBP facility,” U.S. Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Kevin McAleenan says.

President Trump is also using his presidential authority to properly enforce the immigration laws passed—and then ignored—by Congress. His national emergency declaration allocates up to $3.6 billion for barrier construction along our southwest border.

That’s good, because the state of America’s border is a disgrace for a modern republic.

Breaking: Illegal immigrant arrested on 100+ child sex crime charges

The new NATO under President Trump

Yesterday, President Trump welcomed NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg to the White House, commemorating tomorrow’s 70th anniversary of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

“Over the past two years, the Secretary General and I have developed a very strong working relationship. It’s been as good as it can be,” the President said yesterday. “We’re both committed to ensuring that NATO can address the full range of threats facing the Alliance today.”

From day one, President Trump promised that America would no longer foot the bill for NATO while other countries shirked their obligations. The message to our allies in Europe was simple: They should care about our collective security just as much as the United States does.

Message received. Since 2016, our NATO allies have added more than $40 billion in defense investments. By 2020, that figure will reach $100 billion.

Watch: President Trump meets with the Secretary General of NATO

Photo of the Day

Official White House Photo by D. Myles Cullen
President Donald J. Trump meets with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg | April 2, 2019