Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Styx: If Liberals Keep Calling People Like Me Nazis, They'll Keep Losing - GERMANY: GREEN PARTY LEADER SAYS GERMAN PEOPLE DON’T EXIST, THEREFORE CAN’T BE ‘BETRAYED’ “That’s a Nazi concept.”

If your idea of a nazi or a fascist is a pro-liberty minarchist who wants to leave people alone, your head is deep in the sand and people ought to ignore you as a boring madman.


“That’s a Nazi concept.”

According to the new leader of Germany’s Green Party, Germans as a people don’t exist and therefore can’t be betrayed (though somehow they can still discriminate against non-Germans).
In a video interview with Informr, the new leader of the Green Party, Robert Habeck, made controversial remarks denying the notion of a German people, newspaper Junge Freiheit reports.
When asked about the concept of betrayal of the people, Habeck says:
“That’s a Nazi concept. There is no people, in consequence, there cannot be a treason of the people. It’s a statement of anger that can be really divisive, discriminatory and pernicious.”
These remarks sparked the anger from the right-wing AfD party president, Jörg Meuthen, who quickly responded:
“Of course the Germans exist, as the Italians, the Spanish, the French and the Turks do (…) The Green party have not yet accomplished their destructive goal, which is the abolition of borders”.
“Our people survived worse ideologies and have nothing to fear from a pseudo-intellectual Islamophile being a snob to the German people”, he added.
Leftists in America similarly like to say white people don’t exist yet support race-based affirmative action programs for which “white people” are not eligible.
Fascinating how that works!