Friday, May 25, 2018

E Celeb Tommy Robinson Sentenced to 13 Months in Jail, Muh Free Speech

Luke Del Toroski
Tommy got arrested for reading a published report on grooming gangs. He read it aloud in public, so he was arrested... And you agree with it?? Really, son??

LAWereWolf 2
No stupid ass. It's not Binary. I think it sucks he got arrested, but he had a MArch for freedom event and missed the oppertunity to lobby governments.

Crfor Freedom
At first I disliked this video, because frankly; the millennial mindlessness was staggering. I don't think you have a CLUE what he's been through. You think you've "suffered" baby? YOU AIN'T BEEN THROUGH SHIT FRANK. Not compared to Tommy. But I did change it because your words were spot on. They do need to rise against their government. They keep blaming Islam and everyone BUT the Gov. for their problems, so without IDing the true enemy, one can't realize an accurate countermeasure. Of course, as in Tommy's, Britain First and many other's case, criticizing the government IS a jailable offense. But Britain never will rise against their blessed monarchy. So YES; Britain is LOST. All this Tommy and others are suffering is nothing more than a feeble lesson in futility. Britain is lost.

LAWereWolf 2
I said Lauren Southern is a Canadian and should fix Canada. I'm American and don't plan to help the UK. His UK problems don't parallel to our Country. Saying "Islam Sucks" isn't an argument or a solution to either the free speech or Muslim Problem. He never had an exit strategy.

As for what I've done, some things I've done in the news is not credited to me. I've helped alt lite people as a radical dissident right person. I know my image is toxic to southern californians who are trying to get rid of the sanctuary state mandates. So instead I got people to talk to each other and messaged/emailed many to help organize. Could I have narcissitically went and lived streamed it so I get muh credit? Sure. But that isn't always the right move to do. If you want to be a free speech advocate, then yeah you got to pay the toll.

E Celeb Tommy Robinson Sentenced to 13 Months in Jail, Muh Free Speech