Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Donald Trump's Locker Room Talk Gets Billy Bush Canned; Establishment Goons Triggered (REACTION)

Donald Trump is in hot water yet again over a 2005 audio/video tape captured from a hot mic that he may not have realized was recording his conversation with NBC Today's Billy Bush, who, at the time, was working for Access Hollywood. In the tape, Trump said some things about women that he classified as "locker room talk." Some people, such as Anderson Cooper, were deeply offended by the remarks, saying that it was akin to assault because it would be "without consent." That actual question was brought up at the Sunday, October 9th debate by Cooper himself, which Trump denied. 

Fallout from the "hot mic" kerfuffle seems to be major, but in reality, it's much more minimal than the media and the (over) reactors are making it out to be. First, you have your usual suspects that always seem to react in a negative way when a Donald Trump gaffe or ghost from the past rears it's ugly head. One of the main people guilty of this is Paul Ryan, who actually released a sort of campaign video of his own earlier in the year, after another so-called "gaffe" from Trump. Condoleezza Rice also threw her name into the "I'm offended by Donald Trump" ring, which was met with a chorus of golf clapping. 

Some would call the aforementioned people "RINOs" but that is not the appropriate term. What they represent is the "establishment" which knows no party bounds. The person that they want in office is Hillary Clinton, who has much more baggage than Donald Trump does. Beyond morality, her baggage is criminal in nature. It gets ignored by mainstream media and big wig polticos because they are all part of the same establishment. The problem the establishment faces is that the actual people who decide the next President of these United States are beginning to recognize who has their back and who does not.